★★★★★ 5/5
- Instructor : Prof Kakoma Luneta
- Duration : 2 Days
- Time : Day 1 (14:00 - 17:00)
- Time : Day 2 (8:30 - 15:00)
- Language : English
- Certificate : Yes
- Lunch : Light
Welcome to the “Teaching Mathematics – Foundation Phase” workshop, designed specifically for educators working with young learners in Grades R-3. This workshop aims to equip you with the tools, strategies, and confidence to foster a strong mathematical foundation in your students.
Engaging Pedagogy: Learn how to create a fun and interactive learning environment that captivates young minds.
Hands-On Activities: Discover practical activities using manipulatives and visual aids to introduce basic math concepts.
Conceptual Understanding: Focus on developing number sense, patterns, shapes, and early problem-solving skills.
Curriculum Alignment: Ensure your teaching methods are aligned with the national curriculum standards and guidelines
Overview of Mathematics in the Foundation Phase
Discuss the definition of mathematics as a language of symbols and notations.
Explain the role of mathematics in observing, representing, and investigating patterns and relationships in the world.
Build confidence and competence in handling mathematical situations.
Use physical objects for counting, partitioning, and combining quantities to build number concepts.
Explore properties of 3D objects and 2D shapes through sorting, classifying, describing, and naming them.
Engage learners in drawing shapes and building with objects.
Recognize and describe shapes in the environment and use appropriate vocabulary for positions and directions
Work practically with different objects and shapes to understand length, capacity, mass, area, and time.
Use formative and summative assessments to monitor learners' progress.
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