Foundation Phase


Welcome to the “Teaching Mathematics – Foundation Phase” workshop, designed specifically for educators working with young learners in Grades R-3. This workshop aims to equip you with the tools, strategies, and confidence to foster a strong mathematical foundation in your students.

  1. Engaging Pedagogy: Learn how to create a fun and interactive learning environment that captivates young minds.

  2. Hands-On Activities: Discover practical activities using manipulatives and visual aids to introduce basic math concepts.

Practical Experience
Expert Guidance
Comprehensive Resources
Ongoing Support

Conceptual Understanding: Focus on developing number sense, patterns, shapes, and early problem-solving skills.

Curriculum Alignment: Ensure your teaching methods are aligned with the national curriculum standards and guidelines

Day 1: Understanding the Foundation Phase Mathematics Curriculum

  • Overview of Mathematics in the Foundation Phase

  •   Discuss the definition of mathematics as a language of symbols and notations.

  • Explain the role of mathematics in observing, representing, and investigating patterns and relationships in the world.

Day 2: Practical Approaches to Teaching Mathematics

  • Explore properties of 3D objects and 2D shapes through sorting, classifying, describing, and naming them.

  • Engage learners in drawing shapes and building with objects.

  • Recognize and describe shapes in the environment and use appropriate vocabulary for positions and directions

