Intermediate Phase
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This 2-day course is designed to equip Intermediate Phase teachers with the knowledge, skills, and practical strategies necessary to effectively teach mathematics to learners in Grades 4-6. Aligned with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), the course will focus on developing a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics, fostering critical thinking, and enhancing problem-solving skills among students. Participants will explore the essential aims, specific skills, content areas, and assessment strategies outlined in the CAPS document.
Enhanced Teaching Skills: Teachers will gain valuable insights into the CAPS Intermediate Phase Mathematics curriculum, learning effective teaching methodologies that can be directly applied in the classroom to improve student outcomes.
This course contributes to ongoing professional development, equipping teachers with the latest educational practices and enhancing their confidence in teaching mathematics.
Attendees will have the opportunity to collaborate with peers, share best practices, and build a supportive professional network.
Day 1: Understanding the Mathematics Curriculum and Developing Teaching Strategies
Overview of the CAPS document for Grades 4-6.
Understanding the aims and objectives of the mathematics curriculum.
Importance of developing a positive attitude towards mathematics.
Numbers, Operations, and Relationships.
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra.
Space and Shape (Geometry).
Developing number sense.
Effective techniques for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Using manipulatives and visual aids to enhance understanding.
Understanding the role of patterns and algebra in the curriculum.
Practical activities for teaching patterns and functions.
Incorporating algebraic thinking in daily lessons.
Day 2: Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills and Effective Assessment
Key concepts in geometry for Intermediate Phase.
Engaging activities for teaching shapes, symmetry, and spatial reasoning.
Using technology and tools to support geometry learning.
Essential measurement concepts and skills.
Strategies for teaching length, mass, volume, and time.
Introduction to data handling and statistics.
Techniques for developing problem-solving skills.
Encouraging logical reasoning and critical thinking in students.
Incorporating real-life problems to make learning relevant.
Understanding different types of assessments (formative, summative).
Designing effective assessment tasks and rubrics.
Using assessment data to inform instruction and support student learning.
Collaborative lesson planning session.
Sharing ideas and strategies with peers.
Reflecting on learning and setting goals for future teaching practice.

- Instructor : Prof Kakoma Luneta
- Duration : 2 Days
- Time : Day 1 (14:00 - 17:00)
- Time : Day 2 (8:30 - 15:00)
- Language : English
- Certificate : Yes
- Lunch : Light